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Ultrasound Pictures “Adrenal Tumor”

What is adrenal Tumor, in this site will to explain about Ultrasound Pictures Of Adrenal Tumor, for that lets go to read, Clinical manifestations: lethargy, electrolyte disorders, hormonal disorders;
upper abdominal pain due to mass effect; edema due to vena cava compression syndrome.

Diagnosis of Adrenal Tumor:

x History, clinical findings
x Laboratory tests (20 % of adrenal tumors are nonfunctioning): electrolytes,
24-hour cortisol levels if required; androgens, andosterone, suppression test
x Sonography with ultrasound-guided percutaneous aspiration
x CT examination if required

Ultrasound Pictures a and –c Adrenal tumor. a Nonhomogeneous, hypoechoic mass (P) “in”
the liver (L), suspicious for an hepatic tumor. b Hypoechoic mass (cursors) by the right superior renal pole in the same patient. c Flank scan demonstrates a large, hypoechoic adrenal tumor (AT)
medial to the anterior part of the left superior renal pole (K). Diagnosis: pheochromocytoma. S = spleen



“Ultrasound Pictures” upper findings:
x Hypoechoic mass, appearing on the right side between the vena cava and
superior renal pole (where it may easily cause a vena cava compression syndrome) or on the left side between the aorta and superior renal pole.
>  Accuracy “Ultrasound Pictures” with diagnosis Adrenal Tumor: Adrenal carcinomas are rarely I 3 cm, and adenomas are usually I 6 cm. An adrenal tumor as small as 2–3 cm is very likely to be detected sonographically when a specific search is undertaken. Benign–malignant differentiation relies on ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy.

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