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Ultrasound Pictures of “Subphrenic Abscess”

Clinical manifestations Subphrenic Abscess : Unexplained fever, pain. The depth of respirations may be restricted, causing dyspnea.

Diagnosis Subphrenic Abscess:
x Abdominal and chest radiographs: Usually show elevation of the diaphragm;
may demonstrate basal lung consolidation and pleural effusion in some cases.


ULTRASOUND PICTURES Subphrenic abscess. Behind the liver (L) and below the diaphragm is a hypoechoic mass (arrows) with highlevel internal echoes. Pleural effusion (PLE) is also present.

x Sonography
x Leukocyte scanning
x Percutaneous aspiration

Sonographic findings Subphrenic Abscess:
x Nonhomogeneous hypoechoic or echogenic mass with ill-defined margins
between the diaphragm and the liver or spleen.
x The sonographic appearance of the mass changes as it undergoes liquefaction.

Accuracy of sonographic diagnosis Subphrenic Abscess: Sonography suggests the correct diagnosis, which is confirmed by ultrasound-guided needle aspiration.


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