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Differential diagnosis of palpable masses of ultrasound

Differential diagnosis of palpable masses

Diagnosis Sonographic signs
Less common
Breast tumor Nonhomogeneous, hypoechoic
Suppurative thyroiditis Nonhomogeneous, hypoechoic/echogenic
Salivary gland swelling Usually hypoechoic, elliptical foci

Round lesions of varying echogenicity, depending on the
primary tumor and stage

Nodular varix Compressible, anechoic nodule, shows blood flow by CDS
Neck cyst Anechoic mass

Malignant lymphoma ,
lymphogranulomatous Hodgkin

Enlarged lymph nodes, sandwich sign
Lipoma, fibroma

Round or elliptical, well-circumscribed mass; fibroma is
hypoechoic, lipoma is echogenic

Conditions that cannot be diagnosed with ultrasound
Less common: Infections (erysipelas, infectious mononucleosis, tonsillitis), systemic diseases (lymphatic leukemia)
Rare: Infections (lymphangitis, vaccination reaction, otitis media, Plaut–Vincent tonsillitis, pseudocroup, pediatric diseases, ulcerative stomatitis, actinomycosis, venereal diseases, tropical diseases), systemic diseases (Waldenström macroglobulinemia, Pancoast tumor,lymphangioma, malignant reticulosis)

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