Ultrasound Pictures “Hypernephroma”
> Clinical manifestations: Most of these tumors are asymptomatic, and the only
manifestation may be intermittent fever in the absence of infection. Microhematuria
is usually present; gross hematuria is rare. An expansile tumor will cause
flank pain and a palpable intra-abdominal mass. Metastases are seeded to the
lung, CNS, bone, and thyroid gland. Late features include fatigue, weight loss,
and cachexia.
Tumors detected early by ultrasound are surgically curable.
> Diagnosis:
x Urinalysis: All patients with hematuria should be evaluated for serious underlying
disease. Possible causes are renal, bladder and urinary tract tumors; glomerulonephritis
(casts in urinary sediment); and pyelonephritis.
x Sonography
x Intravenous pyelography; abdominal CT if required
> Sonographic findings:
x Nonhomogeneous renal mass; may be associated with regressive changes,
intratumoral hemorrhage, or both
x Lesion transcends the renal capsule
x Variable echogenicity relative to the renal parenchyma
x Lesion is well delineated by a pseudocapsule
in bellow ultrasound picture, Large, hypoechoic tumor (T). Partial hypechoic transformation of sinus echo due to tumor vein thrombosis. K = kidney
Accuracy “Ultrasound Pictures with” diagnosis “Hypernephroma”: Even small, asymptomatic renal cell carcinomas can be detected at an early stage by routine sonography. Tumors as small as 5mm can be visualized under favorable conditions. In a selective tumor search, renal changes can be reliably detected and referred for further evaluation. The tumor may be mistaken for a cystic lesion on ultrasound, and percutaneous aspiration should be carried out. A cyst contains clear yellowish fluid, whereas a carcinoma yields a turbid, sometimes bloody aspirate that may be cytologically negative.
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