Ultrasound Pictures of “Autosomal dominant” (adult) polycystic kidney disease (APKD)
This ultrasound images autosomal dominant disease has a wide spectrum of presentation. It is normally associated with progressive renal failure. A renal transplant offers a successful cure for many patients. Although in some cases APKD may cause renal failure in early life, it is also possible to achieve a normal life span with no appreciable symptoms.
In about 50% of cases, cysts are present in the liver; they are also found in the spleen and pancreas in a small proportion of patients. Ultrasound screening for APKD is performed in families with a positive history, as patients may then be monitored and treated for hypertension. A negative scan does not entirely exclude disease, especially in the younger patient, and multiple examinations over years may need to be performed Ultrasound appearances The disease is always bilateral, causing progressively enlarging kidneys with multiple cysts of various sizes, many having irregular margins. There is often little or no demonstrable normal renal tissue and the kidneys may become so large that they visibly distend the abdomen.
APKD predisposes the patient to urinary tract infections and some of the cysts may contain lowlevel echoes as a result of infection or haemorrhage.
The liver, spleen and pancreas should also be examined on ultrasound for associated cysts. A small but recognized increased incidence of tumour is recorded in patients with APKD.
Ultrasound images Autosomal dominant (‘adult’) polycystic disease. Numerous cysts of varying size are seen within the renal bed. No discernible renal architectrue is apparent. A cyst containing solid debris, i.e. haemorrhage (arrow), is seen.
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