Ultrasound Pictures of “Pulmonary Embolism”
Pulmonary embolism is a very dangerous thing in the medical level , in this case is very interesting to see.
Clinical manifestations Pulmonary Embolism: Dyspnea, tachycardia, persistent mild cough, hemoptysis,chest pain, anxiety, feeling of oppression, shock
Cause Pulmonary Embolism: Only one-fourth of all venous thromboses are symptomatic before a pulmonary embolism. Only one-third of pulmonary embolisms are diagnosed before
Diagnosis Pulmonary Embolism:
> Blood gas analysis, D-dimers, echocardiography, ECG, spiral CT
> Lower extremity venous sonography; thoracic sonography with color Doppler, may be supplemented with ultrasound contrast agents; abdominal sonography
(other possible embolus sources include the prostatic plexus and uterovaginal plexus).
> Chest radiographs
> Pulmonary scintigraphy: May be combined with ventilation scintigraphy, pulmonary angiography, and local thrombolysis as needed.
Ultrasound Pictures findings Pulmonary Embolism:
x Ballooning of the right ventricle and right atrium due to right-heart overload.
The left ventricle tends to be small, empty, and hyperactive.
x Embolus is occasionally detectable in the pulmonary artery in patients with
central embolism.
x Lower extremity venous sonography: May demonstrate lower-extremity venous
thrombosis with a dilated, somewhat echogenic (thrombus) and incompressible vein as the most frequent cause.
ULTRASOUND PICTURES of Pulmonary embolism: extensive hypoechoic mass in the anterior apex of the right lung with postinfarction pneumonia and air inclusions
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