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Ultrasound pictures of “renal colic”

Clinical manifestations: Unilateral pain that comes in characteristic waves, often radiating to the groin. Nausea and vomiting. Reflex ileus may occur. Hematuria

Diagnosis: Sonography and urinalysis; may be supplemented by urography

Sonographic findings:

x Obstructed, anechoic pyelocalyceal system.
x The proximal ureter may be dilated, depending on the site of the outflow
obstruction (stone, tumor, lymphadenopathy).
x The twinkling artifact is helpful in detecting intrauteral stones
and differentiating them from bowel gas.

Accuracy of sonographic diagnosis: The obstruction can be detected sonographically in up to 100% of cases, and the obstructing lesion can be identified in approximately 85% of cases. Additional imaging studies may be ordered as adjuncts


ULTRASOUND PICTURES Renal pelvic stone. The renal pelvis is hypoechoic and dilated.

A stone with a high-amplitude echo (arrow) and posterior acoustic shadow
(S) is visible at the ureteropelvic junction. K = kidney.

B. Ureteral stone. The ureter (U) is occluded by a prevesical stone (arrow).

An acoustic shadow (S) indicates the presence of the stone. B = bladder

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